CAI Business Partner and Management Company members can post detailed profiles on the CAI Illinois website.
The purchase of an enhanced listing allows you to add a description of your business, a logo or portrait. We recommend a 100-300 word description of what your firm does, or what you do for your firm. Text from your website’s “About Us” page, or your LinkedIn profile are sources many use. Contact Cheryl Murphy for more information.
To make changes to your Illinois service directory listing, complete the form below with your requested changes. To make a permanent change to your CAI National record, send an email to [email protected].
Enhanced Service Directory Listing
Business Partner and Management Company members can post detailed profiles on CAI Illinois. The purchase of an enhanced listing allows you to add a description of your business, a logo or portrait. We recommend a 100-300 word description of what your firm does, or what you do for your firm. Text from your website’s “About Us” page, or your LinkedIn profile are sources many use. Contact Cheryl Murphy for more information.